2016 retrospective

Jan. 14, 2017 154 words 1 min

Looking back at 2016, this certainly wasn’t the year it should have been. And no, this does not refer to Brexit/Trump or Bowie/Prince/Cohen. It is the software that did not get finished…

…although I had more than enough time to code it. Learning a new language like Swift is one thing, but getting to know all the required frameworks (especially the NSURLSession family of APIs) is another story. Having lofty goals does not help either. The short term goal for 2017 is to get a simple version of the software actually done. The definition of done excludes UI polish, ambitious but difficult to implement/test code under the hood and any ventures into new libraries or coding styles that I am not familiar with. I probably had too much time at my hands and started to procrastinate instead of diving straight in and finishing things. Another lesson learned and I will fire up Xcode now…

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